Saturday 23 May 2015


Lifestyle change is no child’s play especially when your mind is too use to your ways, but you are in control of your mind but it need to be practised to be controlled.

Last week I never posted because I started exercise and my body just got sick and could not take the change then I had to start detoxifying my body. It’s advisable to detox your body before changing you can use drinks or eliminate certain foods.


Weight loss since beginning
41.9 obesity L3



Saturday 9 May 2015


The trial week

Admitting you have a problem is the hardest step because sometimes we convince ourselves that we do not have a problem when we know we do. It’s been a battle of a week trying to change the way I eat, but this week I will be more intense. Sometime you have to be uncomfortable in life to get the things God has placed for you. The only way to achieve anything in life is to step out of your comfort zone and put on the full armour of God. He gives you energy when all energy seems to be drained from your body.

Saturday 2 May 2015


This is my story

My name is VUYO PAPA I am 24 years of age, married with one child. I was planning to start running a-healthy-ending earlier but things don’t always happen as we plan them. I am now eliminating all excuses of battling with myself on whether to begin the blog or not. When you think about something more than anything else going on around your life it is a sign that the journey has to begin with no delays after all  ‘PROCRASTINATION IS A THIEF OF TIME’… People around me might be surprised to know that I am such a perfectionist, everything needs to go the way I plan it in my mind or else I quit. That is one of the reasons I didn’t begin as scheduled because it was not as perfect as I planned it in my mind but I now realised it will never be…

I remember growing up I use to be a little heavier than the rest of my childhood friends, but it never bothered me until the age of 9 but it was no big deal even then. At the age of 12 I wanted to lose some weight then went on a diet and the lost weight.  By the time I was in high school, a teenager I battled with weight (fluctuating between normal and overweight). I then went to tertiary that is the part of my life I call self-discovery. Self-discovery is when it is you and you alone no one to guide you, I gained a whole lot of weight till I reach obesity level the level I am still battling with. At times I become in denial that I have problem but at the core of me I am aware I do. I have tried so many diets over the years’ yes they do work but the problem comes with consistency and keeping the weight off. Acknowledging you have a problem is needed in order to overcome any battle in life you are facing.

Weight problem can deprive you a lot of happy opportunities in life because you develop a low self-esteem were you become unsure of yourself, it can cause sicknesses that can lead to fatality if the obesity is not dealt with soon enough.

The blog will be running from today until the 02/05/2016 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.



4 WEEKS GOAL : LOSE BETWEEN 4 or more KGs monthly

WEEKLY  GOAL : LOSE BETWEEN 1 or more KGs every week

02/05/2015- W0
 09/05/2015- W1